About us

Fotografia Lisa Venerosi Pesciolini

Lisa Venerosi Pesciolini

I have always firmly believed that the quality of restoration can’t do without an interdisciplinary approach. I have collaborated and keep actively working with art historians, chemists, physicists specialized in scientific diagnosis applied to research and with other art restorers too. The pursuit is to obtain the best results in my work.

Today I am in charge of one of the most prestigious restoration studios. I would like to emphasize as the most particular feature of my work the intimate, exclusive relationship which stems with the work of art that arrives in my Studio. I cure with endless delicacy the wounds that time, calamities and sometimes humans too have inflicted upon it. My activity is a constant quest, in each one of my interventions, for methods with non – invasive potential and materials applied with homeopathic  principles, then following the reactions of the work of art to the process over the course of time.

After completing my formation at the Scuola di Alta Formazione dell’Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, I immediately started my work as a restorer, inserting myself in the cultural fabric of this magnificent town.

Over all these years I had the opportunity to meet the challenges of complex interventions with works of art of great artistic quality. For me they have been true, exceptional travels I chose to let myself be guided through by an unrepentant fascination for research and discovery, with the support of art historians who are extraordinary human beings and remarkable professionals.

Constant study, delving into the investigation of materials and the methods to apply them to works of art are my professional patrimony, the foundations upon which I firmly build my work.


Foto Sabrina

Sabrina Cassi

Sabrina Cassi is listed as Restauratore dei Beni Culturali in Decree Law ex art. 182 and ex art. 29 of January 22nd, 2004, number 42 (the code for Cultural Heritage and Landscape) in the areas of paintings on canvas and panel, wooden sculpture and architectural decorated surfaces.

Active for more than 25 years with her own company Laboratorio Fiorentino di Restauro and working in interventions of research, analysis, maintenance, supervision and restoration in the artistic patrimony sector, Sabrina Cassi has acquired a unique experience with works of art that represents a fundamental artistic reference, from relevant ones of wide public recognition to mere decorative ones.

She had the chance of deepening her technical experiences and the organization areas of her job, with a significant reference to her skills in the aesthetic interventions for “pictorial integration”, an extremely sensible area in which she had – and keeps having – many recognised and published occasions to be distinguished for her accomplishments.

She has worked and keeps working for private and public interventions, with the great prestige of her collaborations with the Opificio delle Pietre Dure and many other highly recognized restoration studios, with a special mention to her constant involvement with the Studio Lisa Venerosi Pesciolini.
