Lisa Venerosi Pesciolini:

Takes care to catalogue and provide with their corresponding tab the works of art that belong to private and public collections, describing their technical and structural characteristics, their conservation status, with a sanitary updating which describes the time – life of each graphic work, painting and sculpture.

Carries on operations to remove the dust deposit with a periodic inspection of each work of art, with the purpose of preserving it from the degradation produced by factors of biological deterioration.
During these controls she can prevent the attacks of wood insects and fungal hyphae and, if she detects their presence, she will be able to intervene with a conservative sanitation, containment measures and an action of preventive maintenance.

Studies the specific characteristics of the space where the works of art will be exhibited, intervening to prevent any possible negative impact of their relationship with the external environment, aiming to slow down any possible incidence from factors of deterioration.
Evaluates in terms of conservation and prevention the types of installation and packing in the shipping frames and support structures.

Intervenes to guarantee an assembling/anchoring precautionary structure that could foresee the use of protection screens against dust and any other external agents.
Operationally solves conservation problems in the stability of pictorial layers or structural consolidation; integrates and cleans up breaches and colour losses traced in the pictorial layers; solves problems of dryness, opacity and scattering on the surfaces. In each of these circumstances she never prescinds from investigating the causes of deterioration and ensuring the conditions for an accurate maintenance of the works of art over time.

Has the capacity to carry out preliminary diagnostic researches and complement experts in their scientific analyses to read and decipher the results of infra – red reflectographs and radiologic investigations, conducted through comparative studios and analyses of the obtained data.
Realises restoration projects and budgets to assign restoration interventions, if necessary, to external studios closer to where the works of art are located.

In the event that works of art of the collection are loaned, she realizes the condition reports before and after any eventual displacements and deals with the assistance in their safe handling, conditioning, packing and shipping, to limit and prevent as much as possible or even abolish any damage produced by knocks, excessive vibrations, handling errors and uncontrolled temperature changes.