Conservation and Restorations

Conservation is the least invasive of all interventions and its purpose is to maintain the work of art at its optimum situation, developing and deepening particularly in every aspect related to prevention.

It solves the causes of degradation with minimal interventions that limit, as far as possible, their invasive potential.

Some of the most frequently required conservative interventions are listed here:

  • Desinfestation against attacks from woodworm by applying a specific anti – woodworm product.
  • Recovery from deformities in canvas and its correct tension in the strainer
  • Alteration of the strainer, if possible, when verified that it is not suitable.
  • Replacement of the strainer when damaged.
  • Setting the colour when its uprising, detachment and/or losses are perceived.
  • Grouting and pictorial integration of small colour gaps and lacunas.
  • Recovery of parched surfaces applying nourishing, transparent varnishes.
  • Recovery of colour brilliance by removing dirt, dust or darkened and yellowed varnishes.